Micro Technology Solutions Inc.

Security Awareness Training


It’s estimated that 3.4 billion phishing emails are sent each day worldwide and that 91% of all successful data breaches begin with a spear phishing attack. Information Technology professionals agree that end users are the weak link in cyber security defenses. Security awareness training helps shore up your defenses by teaching users how to spot phishing attacks and by providing tools to help users request help dealing with suspicious emails.

Would your team spot the difference between:




Wouldn’t it be great to know who on your team was likely to click the malicious link above?

KnowBe4 is a security awareness tool that provides training, phishing simulations, and a console to manage results. The tool provides a library of video content that trains your team about the importance of vigilance against cyberattack. Videos are assigned and the tool keeps track of course completion and reports results. The training will teach your team how to spot phishing emails by showing them the tactics threat actors use to gain access to your systems.

Next, you will phish your users by sending template emails available on the KnowBe4 platform. These templates are not designed to exactly mimic your systems, so they represent a fair test. You can choose the frequency you send phishing messages and select from a variety of available options.

Finally, the console allows you to monitor your results. You can see who has completed training. You can also see who has clicked on simulated phishing emails and even who has supplied information like usernames, passwords, or other information about your organization. The console allows you to separate users into groups, so you can focus training and testing on users who have clicked in the past.

MTSi has deployed KnowBe4 for numerous customers and the results show quickly. We have had organizations where nearly 10% of the users supply a username and password on the first phishing test. Over time, we are able to significantly reduce the number of users being fooled by fake emails and so, make the customer’s network safer. If you would like to learn more about security awareness training, reach out to our sales team.